inclusive classroom

Features of Inclusive School

Universal Design for Inclusive Schools

Universal design is a concept that has evolved from the more traditional view of accessibility as being solely for the benefit of persons with disabilities. The practical application of universal design is achieved through understanding and using the goals of universal design.

Inclusive Education

Inclusion in Education

Understanding Inclusion Inclusion is based on the belief that students of all abilities have the right to an education that is meaningful, appropriate and equivalent to that of their peers. It is a way of thinking and acting that allows every individual to feel accepted, valued and safe. An inclusive community evolves to meet the […]

Inclusive Education in Pakistan

Inclusive Education in Pakistan

Inclusive education is a new concept; a few schools are striving to create an inclusive environment through experimentation with various approaches. These approaches include establishing new inclusive schools; giving access to children with disabilities to existing schools; persuading children without disabilities to join special education institutions; keeping children with special needs within regular school although […]